PTA Committees and Lead(s)
Our school is powered by parents just like you. We appreciate all our volunteers, and would love for you to join us! Please email us at wrightsvillebeachpta@gmail.com if you would like to help, or are interested in joining one of our fun committees:
Apparel - Cassie Causey
Audit Committee - Grace Root & Lauren McCallum
Bingo Night - Christina Miller & Heather Jarman
Book Fair- Jackie Hedgecock & Lauren McCallum
Bulletin Boards - Sarith Golden
Community Outreach - Christina Norvell & Alexis Pullium
Dolphin Dad - Adam Keen
Dolphin Deals / Box Tops for Education - Erin Collins
Fall Festival - Claire Donahoe, Lauren McCallum, Katherine Hoose, Svetlana Rousey & Grace Root
Girls on the Run - Caroline Jenkins & Erin Hooks
Grade Parent Coordinators - Meredith Connell
Grandparents Breakfast - Heather Jarman
Grants & Volunteer Hours - Jamie Schlachter & Meredith McElmurry
Green Team - Meredith McElmurry & Cathleen Schmonsees
Health & Wellness - Katharyn Zava
Helping Hands - Brittany Atkins
Marqee Sign Master - Danielle Nizer
Membership - Lauren McCallum
Nominating Committee - Anne Singerman, Jackie Hedgecock, Grace Root & Lauren McCallum
PTA/Foundation Liaison - Susan Gross
Reflections - Lindsay Benfer
Retail & Family Fundraising - Michaela Batten
Safety/School Drop-Off - Nate Askwith
SIT/WBS Public School Advocate - Erik Dalton & Abby Dalton
STRIDE - Josh Myles
Spirit Rock - Susan Gross
Square 1 Art - Anne Bloomquist
Teacher Appreciation - Danielle Nizer
Welcome/Hospitality- Christina Norvell & Meghan Malfatti
Workroom Treats - Rachel James
Yearbook - Tara Lackey & Susan Gross